BLL Chapter 43 Pay a Visit

The shop assistant said, “I can’t make this decision. I’ll have to go back and ask the shop manager.” Although that was what he’d said, the shop assistant and Lin Lixuan knew it was already a done deal. He first ordered 30 catties and would send someone tomorrow morning to retrieve it. They needed to test this new product first. The shop assistant and Lin Lixuan made a verbal agreement. He would have some people in the restaurant try the food first. They spoke a bit more before the shop assistant left.

“30 catties in a day, that’s 60 catties in two days…” Ger Yan nodded while counting. His little head shook. Lin Lixuan listened to him count on the side. “120 catties, 150 catties…” Ger Yan lowered his head as he bent his fingers. Lin Lixuan pinched his round face. “Have you finished counting?”

“In any case, it’s a lot,” Ger Yan replied seriously. Lin Lixuan didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. He had to set aside some time to teach Ger Yan more math calculations or have him memorize the 99 multiplication table. In the past, he was the one who did all the accounts. Ger Yan and Lin Lixuan weren’t used to numbers, and the amount of money they made, it was probably a lot to them.

It couldn’t always be like this. One must keep learning.

If they wanted to supply the restaurant, then they didn’t have enough soybeans. They would have to buy it from the village and see if the other villagers had any extra.

The store was empty in the afternoon. They closed before it got dark. Before returning to the village, Lin Lixuan headed to Songyun Bookstore and met Chu Zihang there. The other party was very happy to see him and congratulated him. The two gave each other new year’s greetings. Lin Lixuan was a bit embarrassed to ask about the sales of the new book, but before he could even ask, the other party spoke up.

“A lot of people have come to our bookstore and urged us to ask for the second volume.” Even if he hadn’t heard the exact number, Lin Lixuan was still relieved. Although he knew sales wouldn’t be too bad, he was afraid it wouldn’t be enough. “Oh, and this book is also being sold in the capital…”

All Water County couldn’t be considered far or close to the capital. Going there by land took half a month, but traveling by water was faster. It would only take a few days if the trip was smooth sailing. “Huh? How can that be?”

“Mr. Shen spent the new year in the capital. He asked someone to transport a boat full of books earlier…it sold very well in the capital.”

“Many thanks to Mr. Shen.”

Chu Zihang was informed that Mr. Shen would return around the tenth of the month. Lin Lixuan could visit him then if he had time. They could also settle accounts for the first volume and make plans for the second volume. “I will definitely pay him a visit.”

Once they were back in Jade Creek Village, Lin Lixuan first told Zhao Liniang about the new business at the store. Ger Yan couldn’t help but interrupt him, “Mother, the people at the restaurant want to order our tofu. They will order 30 catties a day.”

“Not only that. The shop assistant said they will order 30 catties to try first. If it sells well, they might order more.”

“Mother, did you hear that? They might order more!!!”

The two were in sync, making Zhao Liniang smile. “That’s good. It’s off to a good start.”

“Therefore,” Lin Lixuan started, “We might not have enough soybeans at home. Should we buy some from the village?”


They had already collected soybeans from the village last year, but few people sold it to them. They were finally able to buy some from the neighboring village. The villagers from their village didn’t want to sell to them, mainly because they still wanted to test their luck hoping to learn from the Lin family to make money. If they couldn’t collect soybeans, then they wouldn’t be able to make their products.

However, they had forgotten that even if they didn’t sell to them, the neighboring village would. All Water County was very large with more than 20 villages. During autumn and winter, there wasn’t a shortage of greens. There was a lot of food stored at home. Lin Lixuan wanted to buy, but they had to worry about whether they would sell or not.

Zhao Liniang thought about it. “Let’s collect from the village first. I’ll ask the other families tomorrow.” After all, it was too troublesome to purchase from other villages, and it was expensive and time-consuming to transport the goods back. She also wanted the other villagers to make more money.

Zhao Liniang released the news in the village that she was collecting soybeans. Old Lady Ge from next door immediately said that they would sell their remaining soybeans to them. Red beans or soybeans, the Lin family wanted them all. They were also buying it for a wen more per catties than the county town, six wen a catty. The Lin family purchased over 100 catties of soybeans from Old Lady Ge. Old Lady Ge had sold some to them previously. The Lin family was offering a high price, so they directly sold the rest of their stock to them. After selling the soybeans to the Lin family, they earned about one or two taels of silver. They earned 100-150 wen more than when they sold to the county town in the past. This wasn’t a small amount. Besides, by selling next door, it was a lot better than having to drag their goods to the county town, so why wouldn’t they sell it? “Sister Zhao, will you collect soybeans in the future as well?”

“Of course.” If they wanted to keep their shop open, they would naturally need more.

“Then we’ll plant more this year and sell it to you at the end of the year.” Old Lady Ge thought about having Old Man Ge grow more beans this year. With Sister Zhao collecting them, they wouldn’t have to worry about being able to sell them. People like them who relied on their fields lived hard lives. They depended on the wind and rain to have a good harvest. And the grains sold didn’t sell for a good price. If they had a disaster that year, then they wouldn’t be able to fill their stomach. If they couldn’t sell it or eat it, then it would rot in the ground.

“Sister, Zhao, can I learn how to raise chickens from you?” Nobody in the village could compare to how Zhao Liniang raised chickens and ducks. With how well she raised them, her chickens would lay more eggs than anyone else’s. When they raised chickens, they would generally raise one or two and eat them during the new year celebration, but Zhao Liniang raised so many. She even went to the county town and sold them for one or two taels of silver. This really opened Old Lady Ge’s eyes.

“Sure. If you’re not raising too many, my family’s extra tofu dregs can be given to you for them as well,.” Zhao Liniang was quite generous to her friends. Old Lady Ge also reciprocated the favor and helped her publicize the matter of collecting beans in the village. “That’s right. The Lin family is collecting beans. Red beans, green beans, soybeans, they’re buying it all. If your family has some, why not sell it? You won’t be able to eat it all even if you keep them. If you sell them in the county town, will you be able to get a better price? We’re all from the same village…”

In less than three days, the Lin family collected almost 1,000 catties of beans. Along with their stock from last time, they had enough for several months. Plus, spring was coming soon, so they could plant some themselves as well. This year, they would have more varieties.

After solving the matter of the beans, Lin Lixuan signed a contract with Spring Wind Restaurant. They would provide them with 20 to 40 catties of tofu everyday at five wen per catty. The specific amount depended on the situation. The restaurant would send someone to order a day ahead. Every morning, they would send people to Lin’s Restaurant to transport the ingredients. The money for the tofu would be settled once every seven days.

The new ingredient, tofu, added a lot of freshness for the chefs and guests of Spring Wind Restaurant. The chef loved to use it to cook. In the face of this ingredient, they racked their brains to study on how to make it more delicious. They wanted to bring new dishes to the restaurant. They couldn’t have the same dishes all the time. In the past, when the boss asked them to create new dishes, it was a difficult task, but now with this new ingredient, they were easily able to develop new dishes. Lin Lixuan even gave them some advice. They could make a table full of tofu dishes called Tofu Banquet. The tofu would be fried and boiled. The shop owner really adopted his advice and made this Tofu Banquet their signature dish.

Of course, the guests of Spring Wind Restaurant weren’t the ordinary residents of All Water County who would go to Lin’s Restaurant to buy ingredients to cook at home. Most of them were businessmen who traveled often. They had never seen this kind of thing in the north or south. It was a rarity for many days. Those who came to Spring Wind Restaurant to try the Tofu Banquet would return home and tell their friends and family. One ear to ten, this attracted many busybodies to come try the new dish.

After dealing with the purchase of the beans, Lin Lixuan was finally free. Remembering that it was almost time, he decided to pay a visit to Mr. Shen’s house. He carefully prepared gifts, but didn’t choose anything expensive. It was all food from their store. But still, the ingredients were particular and the small bamboo basket was well packed with heart.

When he arrived at the door of Mr. Shen’s house, he reported his name. Sure enough, Mr. Shen was home. He was invited in by the servant. Mr. Shen’s home was simple, large, and elegant. Although the future wasn’t very exquisite, it still had its allure. It was all of the highest quality. Lin Lixuan was taken to the study. Mr. Shen, who was in the study, was already notified by someone else that Lin Lixuan had arrived. He had them enter when the servant knocked on the door.

Lin Lixuan entered. Mr. Shen was writing at his desk while holding a brush made from wolf hair that was three to four inches long. The ink on the rice paper hadn’t dried yet. When he saw them enter, he held his right wrist with his left hand and put the brush on the brush stand. He instructed the servant to serve tea to the guest.

Lin Lixuan gave him a greeting. Mr. Shen called him to read the poem he’d just written and asked for his thoughts.

Plants and trees have their own hearts, why bother beauties?

Lin Lixuan wasn’t one who appreciated poems from the Tang or Song dynasties. He couldn’t tell if it was good or bad, so he could only praise Mr. Shen for his good handwriting. It was very powerful, steady, and natural. Mr. Shen raised his eyes to glance at him and stroked his beard. He felt that this young man was quite strange. He was said to be a talented scholar,  but he set up a stall on the streets to sell bean curd. Now he opened up a food shop and became a boss. However, the books he wrote were weird and incomparable with many ups and downs…

Most of the scholars he’d met were conceited from their talent and very arrogant. Scholars tended to disparage each other, but the person in front of him was different. He didn’t attend the academy to read the Four Books, Five Classics, and eight-part essay. He was interested in miscellaneous studies instead. Mr. Shen heard from Chu Zihang that Lin Lixuan came to the store to buy autobiographies in the past.

After ten years of hard studies, wouldn’t one want to become an official?

Mr. Shen thought of himself again. He resigned after having the position of high official. It wasn’t easy to climb the ranks of officialdom. One wouldn’t last if they couldn’t endure suffering. He chatted with Lin Lixuan for a bit, talking about poetry, Go, the Five Classics of Music, and even the second volume of League of Gods. The servants served two cups of tea. Lin Lixuan took a sip of the teacup. After chatting for less than an hour, he was about to say his goodbyes and take his leave, but Mr. Shen wanted to chat with him about one more matter.

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