IMG Chapter 218 Reshoot

If you aren’t reading on then these translations were stolen!

However, Feng Ruiyu did the exact opposite. Before the end of filming, he desperately concealed it so that others wouldn’t know the film. The publicity efforts after filming ended weren’t great either. At most, after post-production was finished and before the film was released, it was promoted. In his words, a good movie relied on word-of-mouth publicity instead of gimmicks. If they obtained the box office but the watcher forgot everything as soon as they left the theaters, then what was the point?

And so, Feng Ruiyu, who insisted on word-of-mouth publicity, had won awards but few people knew him. Feng Ruiyu was very stubborn. He didn’t know how to be flexible and didn’t keep pace with the times. He didn’t look like a young man in his twenties but like an old man instead. He was a clear stream in the director’s world, flowing alone.

This incident was originally intended to fight back against Star Entertainment, but he hadn’t expected to inadvertently promote the movie ‘My Brother-in-Law’. This was all done without Feng Ruiyu knowing, which made Luo Lingxing feel a bit guilty, especially since he’d completely tarnished the reputation of the heroine of this movie in a way that could never be washed clean. It was a big taboo for an upcoming movie!

Some directors would also spread these kinds of scandals about the leads of opposing movies, but they were all hype and could be washed clean. This was all to promote the movie. But the nature of the incident this time was completely different, so Luo Lingxing was worried about Feng Ruiyu.

“I’m sorry, Director Feng. I created this mess and affected the movie.” Luo Lingxing had personally called Feng Ruiyu via video call and apologized to him.

But he didn’t regret it. After all, the other party had provoked Jun Ling too much. It wouldn’t be his style if he hadn’t fought back.

“If you’re sorry, then why do it in the first place?” Feng Ruiyu’s tone was obviously not very good. “I’ve already completed half of the post-production, but now, I have to redo it all.

Luo Lingxing: …This incident did affect the movie, but what did it have to do with post-production?

Feng Ruiyu knew exactly what Luo Lingxing was thinking when he saw his expression. He snorted coldly and added, “Of course, we have to reduce that woman’s appearance in post-production. Did you think I’d keep her and let her affect my movie?

“If something like this happens in the future, tell me in advance so that you don’t make me work in vain. In order to compensate me, you and Ye Luohan and return to reshoot some scenes. It’s decided then.”

After speaking, Feng Ruiyu hung up first. He didn’t give Luo Lingxing a chance to refuse.

However, a smile appeared on Luo Lingxing’s face. He originally thought Feng Ruiyu would place the blame on him. He didn’t expect this…

Although Feng Ruiyu’s personality was a bit weird and eccentric, his character was very good. He was very suitable in Luo Lingxing’s eyes. He even wanted to poach this person for Jun Ling. It just so happened that the TV drama they were planning on producing in the future lacked a director.

Although Feng Ruiyu didn’t give Luo Lingxing a chance to refuse, Luo Lingxing wouldn’t have refused anyway. This matter was caused by them, and it was only reshooting a few scenes. Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan quickly arranged their schedule and made an appointment with Feng Ruiyu to reshoot the scenes.

“This is the script for the reshoot. Take a look first,” Feng Ruiyu said, then handed two scripts to Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan.

Luo Lingxing opened it and read it. The script wasn’t thick, which meant there were only a few scenes that needed to be reshot. He finished reading it in minutes, but…

“Director Feng, the ending… are you really going to change it like this?” Luo Lingxing asked as he held the script.

“What else can I do? All because of you guys, do you know how many people are scolding Zhao Mengran online right now or how many are boycotting the movie now because of her? The number is about to catch up to the number of Ye Luohan’s fans,” Feng Ruiyu said in a huff.

He didn’t care about the box office, what he cared about was the reputation of the movie. If the movie he put his heart into making was boycotted before it was even released because of that woman, it would impact the reputation of the movie too much. He would never allow such a thing to happen.

Luo Lingxing rubbed his nose, sat silently, and focused on reading the script. In fact, he had no opinion about the ending. He was actually very happy. He was just casually asking the question.

‘My Brother-in-Law’ was originally about He Mingyu testing his future brother-in-law for his sister. But now because of Zhao Mengran’s situation, Feng Ruiyu changed the plot to make it so that He Mingyue worked hard to raise her brother, falling ill. She later was diagnosed with cancer and died before getting married. Du Ruixuan started taking care of He Mingyu for He Mingyue.

The two originally had a good impression of each other during their battle of wits and courage. During that process, they started getting along even more. Du Ruixuan gradually fell in love with the lively and strong man in front of him, replacing He Mingyue’s position. He wanted to take care of He Mingyu for the rest of his life.

However, the final ending didn’t explicitly say whether Du Ruixuan and He Mingyu ended up together or not. It had only slightly hinted at this point. Such an open-ended ending could attract more audience. It could also leave a deep impression in everyone’s hearts. After all, everyone wanted the ending of the story to be perfect. But the end of the story was not clear, it made it easier for them to remember.

It could be said that Feng Ruiyu was a really powerful director.

“Since you’ve all finished reading it, hurry up and do the reshoot,” Feng Ruiyu said unceremoniously to Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan.

“Director Feng, since the ending was changed like this, is Zhao Mengran coming to reshoot her scenes as well?” Luo Lingxing asked.

“Depends on if she’s willing or not,” Feng Ruiyu snorted.

Even if the other party didn’t want to, he had the ability to shoot her death. Technology was so advanced these days. Even if it didn’t have the perfection of live-action shooting, it was enough. It was an unimportant role anyway.

If Zhao Mengran knew the role of the heroine was made to be unimportant, who knew how crazy she would turn. Unfortunately, she probably wouldn’t know this until it was released. Everything would be a foregone conclusion after the release.

The reshoot was completed in one day. After work was over, Luo Lingxing invited Feng Ruiyu to dinner. It was a rarity that Feng Ruiyu didn’t refuse.

“Director Feng, let me toast you. I apologize for this incident,” Luo Lingxing picked up his glass of wine and said to Feng Ruiyu.

Although he had already apologized through video call, that could never be as sincere as doing it in person.

“It’s fine. If something like this happens in the future, remember to tell me in advance.” Feng Ruiyu waved his hand, seemingly unfazed.

Luo Lingxing liked Feng Ruiyu even more. He was about to drink his alcohol, but the wine glass was snatched from his hand. In the next second, it entered someone else’s belly.

Luo Lingxing: …

“He can’t handle his liquor, so I’ll drink for him.” After Ye Luohan finished drinking, he spoke very calmly.

“Refreshing.” After Feng Ruiyu finished speaking, he also chugged his class.

Among the three of them, Ye Luohan and Feng Ruiyu kept drinking. Luo Lingxing was only in charge of eating. He didn’t expect that although Feng Ruiyu looked thin and weak, he was a good drinker. Not only did he love alcohol, he also drank very well. As soon as he drank, it was as if he’d turned into a completely different person. He didn’t speak angrily but heartily.

“I’ve long thought Zhao Mengran was an unpleasant woman. If she hadn’t been recommended by that person, I wouldn’t have wanted her either. She has little acting skills nor a brain,” Feng Ruiyu said bluntly.

“I didn’t expect that she and Guan Anhua would have that kind of relationship back then. But Guan Anhua fortunately broke it off with her or else she might have gotten what she deserved. Now Guan Anhua is working with you. It’s very good. His future achievements will definitely be greater than before,” Feng Ruiyu continued.

As soon as he drank, he changed from having a poisonous tongue to being a chatterbox. He kept talking. Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan would interject occasionally but mostly listened.

“Star Entertainment isn’t anything good. Let me tell you, Star Entertainment always forces its artists to have meals with their investors and partners. What their real plan is, everyone is clear about that. It has harmed a lot of good seedlings. Not long ago, they forced yet another newcomer to a meal.” He knocked back another glass of alcohol.

Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan: …

It turned out that when Feng Ruiyu drank wine, not only was he a chatterbox, but he was also a lover of gossip. This change of attitude was a bit…unexpected.

“Do you remember the topic of the newcomer trying to steal your debut? That newcomer sings very well, but unfortunately entered Star Entertainment.”

“Are you saying the newcomer who was forced to debut by Star Entertainment was also forced to accompany others?” Luo Lingxing asked. He remembered the one who debuted was Zhou Shaojin.

He had met this young man backstage of ‘Interstellar New Singer’. He was taciturn but gave others a good feeling. The songs he sang gave the same feeling as well, very righteous and heroic. If such a person was harmed by Star Entertainment, then it really was a pity.

“Exactly. I really pity that good seedling.” Feng Ruiyu drank another glass, drinking it like it was water.  “Director Feng, eat more or else you’ll get drunk,” Luo Lingxing persuaded. He used his chopstick to put some food on Feng Ruiyu’s plate.

Ye Luohan stopped his action of giving food to Luo Lingxing and stared at the other party without speaking.

Luo Lingxing noticed his gaze, looked at Ye Luohan, then slightly used his chopstick to get more food to put on the other party’s plate and said, “You should eat more too.”

Ye Luohan calmly retracted his gaze. He picked up the dish given by Luo Lingxing and tasted it carefully. There was a vague smile on the corner of his mouth.

If this was seen by Zhang Xuan, he would definitely complain that his boss was too tsundere!

However, Feng Ruiyu didn’t notice the interaction between Luo Lingxing and Ye Luohan, because even though it didn’t show on his face, he was actually a bit dizzy.

“Director Feng, I actually have something to discuss with you,” Luo Lingxing said. With such a good opportunity, he would feel sorry for Jun Ling if he didn’t take advantage of it.

“What is it?”

“Our studio is planning to produce a TV drama soon. We want to invite you, Director Feng, to direct it. What do you think?” Luo Lingxing asked.

In fact, he didn’t have much hope, after all, Feng Ruiyu’s previous works were all movies. Movie directors were rarely willing to return to film direct TV dramas.

However, he didn’t expect Feng Ruiyu to agree quite happily without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Luohan squinted his eyes slightly as he carefully scrutinized Feng Ruiyu’s expression. He found the other party really wasn’t reluctant, so he felt relieved.

In fact, few people knew that once Feng Ruiyu got drunk, he would basically agree to anything. That was why Feng Ruiyu rarely drank in front of outsiders. This time was an exception.

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