IMG Chapter 219 It Never Rains But Pours

If you aren’t reading on then these translations were stolen!

The reports regarding Zhou Shaodong and Zhao Mengran escalated again. The marriage officially broke down. It was probably because of the rumors of the other’s affairs, especially Zhao Mengran’s. Zhou Shaodong felt unbearable hearing about this and directly drove her out of the Zhou residence. No matter how Zhao Mengran tried to explain it, it was useless.

Zhou Shaodong himself was a playboy. The only reason he’d taken an interest in Zhao Mengran was because of her beautiful appearance, young body, and pure temperature. But after marrying her, he’d quickly lost interest and took in many younger and more beautiful celebrities as mistresses.

Zhao Mengran knew all of this. She also made trouble and complained in the beginning, but then she simply let him do what he wanted. As long as she held the position from the Zhou family, then she didn’t care. The kindness and love shared by the two outside was gone when they were alone, or else there wouldn’t have been a need to play their own games.

However, Zhou Shaodong, who had the backing of the Zhou family, could play by himself, but he would never allow himself to be cheated on. That was why he planned on divorcing Zhou Shaodong as soon as reports about her infidelity came out.

Sure enough, it never rained but poured.

Just when Zhou Shaodong was overwhelmed by the divorce issue and the scandal of his nude photos online, there were problems in Star Entertainment as well. News of Tax evasion, falsified financial statements, and forcing its artists to accompany their clients was exposed. Relevant departments were also sent to be reviewed. For a while, everyone in Star Entertainment was in danger. Many high-level executives were taken away for investigation. Even the reputation of relevant artists were damaged. Many artists took the opportunity to terminate their contracts and jump ship. They wanted to draw a clear line with Star Entertainment, so that they wouldn’t be implicated.

Lisa was the first artist to jump ship. She had long wanted to leave Star Entertainment because of her album and now something like this happened. When someone extended an olive branch, she accepted. “Tsk tsk tsk… Star Entertainment is over. Even if they survive this, they’ll be powerless after this. Not to mention the rumors of their tax evasion and money laundering. They will have to pay legally. Even the Zhou family won’t be able to protect him. The Zhou family might even be affected, which will be miserable for them,” Xiao Ming said. He gloated while looking at the reports.

“Sure enough, gods are watching. Even god couldn’t stand it and wanted to deal with them,” Chen Hongliang said happily.

“If it weren’t for the fact that these documents are confidential, I would have thought that it was one of us who took the liberty to deal with Star Entertainment.”

“I wanted to, but unfortunately, I don’t have that much power.” Chen Hongliang shrugged. At most, he could reveal the romantic gossip about Zhou Shaodong, but when it came to a company level, he really didn’t have the ability.

However, Chen Hongliang glanced at Luo Lingxing. He clearly thought Luo Lingxing was the one behind this. He might not have the means to, but Luo Lingxing did. Luo Lingxing was the one who brought the Su family down. Or it might be better to say the forces behind Luo Lingxing had the ability.

In fact, Luo Lingxing was puzzled at this moment. He walked out of the office, grabbed Chen Bin, and asked, “Did third brother do this?”

Besides third brother Luo, he couldn’t think of anyone else who could have such power to directly penetrate into the core of the enemy.

However, Chen Bin shook his head and said, “The president didn’t interfere in this matter.”

Chen Bin was one of the people sent by Luo Bingze to help Luo Lingxing take care of the studio. He would also report the situation of the studio. Of course, all the reports were regarding difficulties the studio faced or if they found anything wrong, things like that. It never interfered with the operation of the studio.

This time, when Star Entertainment made a move against Jun Ling, news had already reached third brother Luo’s ears. What was strange was that it was rare that he hadn’t interfered this time, but he let Luo Lingxing and the others deal with it themselves.

Since it wasn’t third brother Luo, then it had nothing to do with them. It was probably somebody who found Star Entertainment displeasing to the eye. After all, if you did many bad things, you would be seeking death. Luo Lingxing thought this in his heart.

Third brother Luo really hadn’t interfered this time, he’d played a major role in fueling the flames.

In the beginning, when he heard Star Entertainment dared try to find trouble with his younger brother, third brother Luo, who had a bro-con, couldn’t help but want to make a move. But as soon as he stretched out his reach, he found that someone had already secretly investigated Star Entertainment, so he very “kindly” helped that person find the evidence faster and safer.

In the follow up of this incident, Jun Ling’s people didn’t pay attention to it. Star Entertainment didn’t have the strength to continue to target them, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

“Xiao Luoluo, let’s sign Shaojin. I wanted to say this before. It seems like Star Entertainment was banned by Star Entertainment. I never expected Star Entertainment to collapse now,” Xiao Luoluo said.

When he’d competed with Zhou Shaojin in the past, they had a good relationship, so he was feeling sympathy. He didn’t want such a good seedling to disappear in the entertainment industry. There were still a few artists in their company. Plus, they were in desperate need of potential artists.

“He was banned?” Wasn’t he still a newcomer that was being promoted by Star Entertainment before, so why did he lose favor so quickly?

“I heard that it was Star Entertainment who forced him to drink with their investor, but Star Entertainment adamantly refused and even beat the investor. That was why he was banned,” Xia Yuan said. Thinking of that kind of scene, he would definitely resist. They wondered if Star Entertainment was an entertainment company or a pimp. How could they do such dirty things?

“Okay, I’ll have Brother Chen contact him,” Luo Lingxing said.

“That’s great,” Xia Yuan said happily. There would now be someone he could practice singing with in the future.

However, Xia Yuan was happy too early, because the news Chen Hongliang brought back was…

“What? He said he’s quitting the entertainment industry? Why?” Xia Yuan couldn’t believe his ears. It wasn’t easy for Zhou Shaojin to finally climb out of the corrupted environment of Star Entertainment, so why did he want to withdraw from the industry?

Chen Hongliang shook his head and said, “The specific reason was not very clear. He didn’t say much.”

“Fine.” Since the other party wanted to leave the industry, Xia Yuan couldn’t force it.

“Perhaps he has his own ideals. I’ll sign a few more futures in the future to accompany you,” Luo Lingxing comforted.

Within a few days, another wave of unsettledness arose again. The gossip surrounding the Zhou family made waves again. The masses online watched it with relish. These revelations came one after another, just like a bloody TV drama. Everyone was feeling very satisfied watching this entertainment gossip: Does everyone remember the recent calamity that Star Entertainment experienced? First, the president’s nude photos were exposed, then the president’s wife was exposed of having an affair with boy toys, and finally the two divorced. If that wasn’t unlucky enough, reports of the company’s tax evasion arose. Finally, the entire company was seized. I’ve never seen anyone this unlucky. The Zhou family should go to the temple and light incense to pray for the bad luck to go away.

Someone came to expose more news. It’s related to the previous tax evasion. Do you know who reported Star Entertainment? Do you know? Do you know?

Okay, I won’t make you wait. That person is Zhou Shaojin, the latest newcomer under  Star Entertainment. I believe everyone is very curious on why a little newcomer would dare do such a thing. It’s as if he holds a grudge against the Zhou family.

Everyone guessed correctly. Zhou Shaojin and the Zhou family have a “feud”. Zhou Shaojin is actually the illegitimate son the old president had outside years ago. Now you can see who Zhou Shaodong took after. Like father, like son. Zhou Shaojin is an illegitimate child who won’t be recognized by the Zhou family. After gaining some abilities as an adult, he returned to the Zhou family for revenge. A scumbag of a family like the Zhous, I can only say that their misfortune was self-inflicting. This was all caused by their own actions. Even if the Zhou family doesn’t believe that, they had planted this from the start with their illegitimate son. I wonder if the old president would have been restrained back then if they knew this would happen.

As soon as this report came out, netizens began to frantically comment on the post.

“I really didn’t expect the matter of Star Entertainment’s tax evasion would be reported by him.”

“I think he did the right thing. A place like Star Entertainment who cheats people should be reported and closed forever. How many people suffered under them?”

“I didn’t expect him to be the illegitimate son of the Zhou family. I liked him a lot. I thought about buying his album to listen to in the future, but he’s actually quitting the industry like this. Sigh…”

“Shaojin’s life experience is very bumpy. The Zhou family is full of  scums. People like them should be punished. Making Star Entertainment bankrupt is not vengeance enough!”

“Sure enough, like father, like son. The family is all scum. That’s why they both married the same kind of women. This is called: marriages are predestined!”

“Shaojin, don’t leave the industry. We will always support you. We really like your songs. You have to come back.”

“Since they forced Shaojin to quit the industry, Star Entertainment deserves bankruptcy and to be shut down forever!”

Zhou Shaojin’s fans were very hyped up. They were already sad when they learned their idol would quit the industry, but now the idol’s private life had been exposed as well. They were even more distressed and angry, causing them to even scold the person who had revealed the news. Unfortunately, the person who left the industry never returned.

Xia Yuan looked at the reports online. He didn’t expect such a thing to have happened. He was very sad.

“Don’t think about it anymore. Since he chose to enter Star Entertainment in the first place, he probably had this goal from the start. Now that his goal has been achieved, you should be happy for him,” Yang Zekai couldn’t stand seeing Xia Yuan’s sad expression and comforted him.

“Mn. I wonder what happened to him. He won’t answer my calls or reply to my messages,” Xia Yuan said.

“Maybe he wants some peace alone. Everything will be fine. In fact, it’s probably better that he quit. His personality isn’t suited for the entertainment industry,” Yang Zekai said.

Zhou Shaojin’s personality was too cold and serious. Most of his songs were also military songs. To be honest, compared to the entertainment industry, the military was probably a better choice for him.

“I understand. I ‘ll contact him later then. I hope he doesn’t forget me.”

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