IMG Chapter 216 Hard Slap in the Face

If you aren’t reading on then these translations were stolen!

“What’s going on? How can the data change so quickly? It’s too strange how the data for these songs had grown.”

“These songs seem to be sung by the same person. They’re all in the top ten.”

“The singer is Xia Yuan? Who’s that? Why haven’t I heard of them before?”

“It seems to be a debut singer from Jun Ling Studio. It’s the same studio as the Male God.”

“It turns out it’s from the studio of the Male God. No wonder.”

“I heard that when he debuted, the Male God went on stage to help. It’s understandable that he’s growing so fast now. But the Male God didn’t post anything on Weibo today nor did he promote this album. Shouldn’t the Male God be helping?”

 Then…what’s going on?”

“Hehe. What else can it be? You can tell from a glance that the list was bought. They are completely unscrupulous. His fans were arguing with Lisa’s fans in the morning, but they were defeated in the end. As a result, he started buying the list at night.”

“That’s impossible, right? This is the most authoritative music list. I never heard of anyone swaying the charts before.”

“If the list wasn’t bought, then how can this be explained?”

There were all sorts of speculations online. At first, there were only a small number of people discussing it. When several songs entered the top ten of the charts and he was getting closer to Lisa’s ranking, Lisa’s fans couldn’t sit still anymore and fought with Xia Yuan’s fans again.

Zhou Shaodong couldn’t sit still either. His eyes were glued to the online data. He was staring a hole into it.

“Go contact Zhao Ming and have him hire some keyboard warriors to add oil to the fire,” Zhou Shaodong instructed. This was such a good opportunity, so he naturally wouldn’t waste it. Whether the other party bought the list or not, he will make it so that everyone thought they did.

Therefore, the comments on the internet gradually began to rush toward the topic of Xia Yuan buying the list. Even if Xia Yuan’s fans believed that their idol wouldn’t do this, they were soft-spoken. Their rebuttals paled in comparison and were weak. They were soon drowned out by the comments from the large number of keyboard warriors. The onlookers were unconsciously instigated.

The topic of “Xia Yuan buying the . list” quickly rose to the top ten topics. More and more people came to watch the show. “Jun Ling Studio is really rich. They’re able to buy so many downloads in a blink of an eye. How much did that cost?”

“Why should they be afraid? Their fiance is the Major General. There is no lack of money.”

“They’re making big moves just to support a newcomer.”

“It can’t be helped. The studio was just established. Except for the Male God, there is no one else to support them. They won’t be able to make it to the top if they don’t spend more money. They’ll be finished sooner or later.”

These comments were aimed at their studio. Anyone could tell that they were keyboard warriors. Chen Hongliang’s expression was gloomy. This was the first time since their studio was established that someone hired keyboard warriors to smear their name.

However, they shouldn’t think they were the only ones who hired keyboard warriors.

Chen Hongliang also urgently told the public relations department to quickly deal with this incident and reverse the online public opinion.

What the entertainment industry was most afraid of was public opinion. A popular star could be “strangled” by public opinion. Because too many passersby who might not know the situation could be misled in one direction or another under such circumstances. They might cause a fuss with the keyboard warriors.

Therefore, in the entertainment industry, although keyboard warriors were despised, they were indispensable. After all, they were still needed in many situations to accomplish certain goals.

For such situations, they could be regarded as handy. When Luo Lingxing created Jun Ling Studio, their reputation wasn’t tarnished with the help of keyboard warriors. Fortunately, they took precautions or else they would have been in a passive position in this incident.

However, even if the power of the keyboard warriors were used, public opinion was still being led by the other parties. It was obvious that the other party hired more keyboard warriors than Jun Ling had.

Chen Hongliang’s brows were furrowed so tightly he could catch a fly.

“It’s so annoying. Why do so many people like to talk nonsense? I really want to tear their mouths open.” A few girls gathered in front of the quantum computer as they paid attention to their situation. Their hands didn’t forget to pound on the keyboard. It was obvious that their strength wasn’t enough despite them doing their best to tear them apart.

As a staff of Jun Ling Studio, they were all clear on whether or not they had bought the list.

“Look at this post. The situation has turned.” A slightly sharp voice was excited as they said. The girls switched pages. Their reaction to this was much faster than Chen Hongliang’s.

“My friend kept suggesting it, so I finally downloaded it. This song is so good. I feel like listening to it all night isn’t enough.”

“Shock! My little sister forced me to download it. Actually, I was very reluctant at first, but she wanted me to support her idol, so I was forced into it. However, when I heard the  melody of the song, I don’t know why but I became a huge fan of the music. I’ve never been more fascinated. I’ve only listened to it ten times so far.”

“Previous poster, I was also dragged into downloading it by my little sister. But then I lost control and downloaded all ten songs before I knew it. I’m ready to sleep to the songs.”

“It’s so good. It’s so, so good. I could get pregnant just by listening to it. His refreshing voice is so good. I really want to meet this singer. He must be very cute.”

“His songs were also suggested to me. I’ve turned into a fan. I don’t like to comment on the internet, but I’m really speechless by these boring haters and keyboard warriors. This is such a beautiful song. If you question it, then download it and take a listen. It doesn’t cost a lot anymore. If you haven’t heard it before, don’t spew nonsense.”

“I’ve also turned into a fan +1” “I’ve also turned into a fan +2” “I’ve also turned into a fan +10086” “I’ve also turned into a fan+ID” A large number of comments appeared saying that they had turned into fans. All the songs mentioned were songs from Xia Yuan’s album. Some had downloaded it before they were recommended to. There were some haters mixed in between, but they were mostly ignored.

In fact, such comments could easily be recognized as the keyboard warriors that Jun Ling Studio had hired. But many of those turned haters had their IP address exposed, making those haters speechless.

IP addresses were uniformly supervised by the state, so it was impossible to fake. Which meant that these people were real, and their remarks were true.

As soon as this post came out, the reason for the surge in downloads of Xia Yuan was found. To put it bluntly, it was Xia Yuan’s fans who had wanted to help their idol climb the rank at first, then they had recommended him to their family and friends, thus turning their family and friends into fans. They in turn recommended it to their own fans. Ten turned to hundred, and the number of downloads naturally increased.

Even so, there were still many people who didn’t believe this. After all, Xia Yuan was just a newcomer. How could the songs in his album have such great magic and conquer so many people in such a short period of time? It was very fishy.

However, there was a phrase that was thrown at the passersby. “If you question it, then download it and take a listen. It doesn’t cost a lot anymore. If you haven’t heard it before, don’t spew nonsense.” So these passersby really went to download it. They wanted to see if these songs were as magical as everyone said. So the number of downloads increased a lot. Three songs had long surpassed Lisa’s rankings.

Lisa and her agent had on ugly expressions, especially Lisa. She was so gloomy clouds were over her head.

“What’s going on?” Lisa asked in a melancholy tone.

It was only a few hours later, so why did the music chart change so much? She was actually being suppressed by a little brat who had just debuted. What was this?

In fact, even Lisa’s agent couldn’t believe it, but he had to believe it. At the same time, he broke out in old sweat. They had lost a lot today.

Originally, the company wanted to release an album today to compete with the newcomer for the charts despite their wishes, which was already very disgusting, but in the end, it was their loss. They wouldn’t have the face to see others in the future. How would Lisa gain a foothold in the music industry now?

The A-lister who had debuted three years ago was defeated by a newcomer who had just debuted. What would happen if this got out? This would seriously affect Lisa’s future.

“Connect me with the company and I’ll ask them what’s going on.” Lisa was so angry she thought her lungs were about to explode. She was even more angry with the company.

“Lisa, calm down. Even if you ask the company, they won’t give you an answer,” the agent said with a sad expression.

He heard a bit of the situation between their company and Jun Ling Studio. To put it bluntly, Lisa was being used as a fuse by the company this time.

The company had always been unkind to their artists. For the company, artists were used to make money for the company. As for the rest, they didn’t think much about it. If they could make money, the company treated each other politely. If they couldn’t make money, they would hide, and those who had annoyed the company would be shelved.

So they could look toward the company for answers. The company wouldn’t admit to their mistakes. They could only swallow this bitter fruit silently.

Lisa naturally had some understanding about the company’s sh*tty attitude. When she saw her agent persuading her like this, she knew he was hiding something.

“What the hell is going on? Tell me or else I won’t let the matter drop like this.”

This album had cost her a lot of effort. How could she be willing to just watch it go into ruins by a newcomer?

The agent had no other choice, as there was a conflict between Star Entertainment and Jun Ling. Lisa was smart. She could figure out the reason if she thought about it. She gritted her teeth with hatred.

“They’re taking it too far. What’s the point of me staying in the company? If this continues, the popularity and reputation that I had accumulated with great difficulty will be ruined by them.” Lisa gritted her teeth with anger, wishing that she could leave the company now.

At the end of the first day of the album’s release four songs from Xia Yuan’s album had firmly held the top ten of the major music charts. Two were even at the top of the charts. This was a very unexpectedly good outcome for a newcomer.

Although there were still many remarks on the internet about “Xia Yuan buying the list”, Xia Yuan had given them a hard slap in the face using his own strength.

Generally, when a singer released their album, they could maintain a week’s ranking on the music charts. A-listers generally maintained it for half a month. Even if it was a superstar, it usually lasted a month. After all, there were too many interstellar people, too many good singers, too many good songs, and so many choices that the taste of the netizens had become very picky and easily changed. So the first page of the music chart rarely maintained the same for so long.

However, Xia Yuan’s album had been on the music charts for nearly a month. Of the ten songs on the album, four of which had been on the major music charts. This data was similar to data of superstars. It gave a huge slap in the face to those haters who thought Xia Yuan had bought the list. The list might be able to be bought for a day, but was it possible for an entire month? How much money would have been needed to sustain it.

Another news soon broke out from Media Bulletin. This made all the doubts regarding the newcomers being able to have the same power as a superstar disappear. Instead, it was replaced by all kinds of envy, jealousy, hatred, and admiration for Xia Yuan.

The news brought by Media Bulletin was: Of the ten songs on Xia Yuan’s debut album, five were created by Karry himself. In addition to <Pamper>, the other four were also on the list.

As soon as the news came out, all the haters and keyboard warriors disappeared.

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