IMG Chapter 215 Determined to Die

If you aren’t reading on then these translations were stolen!

Star Entertainment seemed to have decided to die. In addition to arranging for their newcomer to debut on the same day as Xia Yuan, on the day Xia Yuan’s album released, a superstar under Star Entertainment was also expected to release an album to try and seize position in major music charts.

The development model of the music industry was similar to that of a thousand years ago, but it was more protective of the rights and interests of their singers. There was no piracy, and music couldn’t be listened to or downloaded for free online. Those who wanted to listen to new music had to spend money to download it. These downloads were the main data of the major music charts. It was also the main reference data for music festivals. It was also the biggest source of income for singers. It was also the most accurate declaration of a singer’s rank.

Therefore, the number of downloads and the ranking of the music charts were the most important ranking data for all artists releasing a single or album.

Generally, an A-list singer might occupy the top of the major music charts on the same day they release their single. They were releasing an album, the songs in the album might occupy different music charts of varying degrees. For super popular super singers, their album might occupy half their music charts.

This was also the reason why Star Entertainment wanted an A-list singer to release their album on the same day as Xia Yuan. This singer’s popularity would definitely be able to beat Xia Yuan in seconds.

There was actually an unwritten rule in the music industry. That was that older singers couldn’t release an album on the same day as newcomers. They were worried that newcomers would miserably lose in seconds, affecting their enthusiasm and motivation.

However, Star Entertainment ignored these rules and regulations. He just wanted to see Jun Ling Studio in a bind.

“It’s such a despicable means to try and suppress us.” A staff member from Jun Ling looked at the music chart data online and gritted his teeth angrily.

“Star Entertainment is so shameless. Such a big entertainment company can’t even get along with a small studio like ours. It’s shameless,” another girl said indignantly.

“They have no shame or morals. When Yuanyuan debuted, they arranged for one of their newcomers to debut. Now that Yuanyuan is releasing an album, they’re using someone else to steal the date again. It’s obviously deliberate.”

“I’m going to call my friends to support Yuanyuan. These people are so detestable. I’m never listening to Lisa’s songs again.”

“Yes, I won’t listen to her in the future either,” several girls said indignantly while pressing the keyboard to support and publicize Xia Yuan to help him make the list.

The person named Lisa was a singer from Star Entertainment who had just released a new album. She debuted three years ago. When she first debuted, she had gained a lot of popularity with her bright voice. In the past three years, her popularity had skyrocketed, and she soon became an A-list singer.

At this moment, not only Jun Ling’s staff were indignant, many of Xia Yuan’s fans online were also angrily protesting while working hard to get Xia Yuan on the list.

“Why did Lisa choose to release a new album today? Doesn’t she understand the rule of not releasing an album on the same day as a newcomer?”

“She’s even competing on the list against a newcomer. Isn’t she so shameless?”

“What’s wrong with my goddess releasing today? She can release whenever she wants. How do you have a say in that?”

“It’s really interesting. Why are fans of a certain person so shameless? They can’t compare. They won’t be able to make the list, so they’re slandering others like this. They dare to be this shameless.”

“Everyone knows the unwritten rules of the music industry: don’t compete with newcomers for the list. Lisa has debuted for three years already. Of course, her popularity is incomparable to that of newcomers. Relying on such means to win the list against a newcomer, why don’t you say that she’s shameless?”

Many of Xia Yuan’s fans and Lisa’s fans were fighting over the internet about the list. But Xia Yuan was still a newcomer, after all. The number of her fans was a lot less than Lisa’s. Even if their combat effectiveness was powerful, based on numbers, they couldn’t win. The passersby just looked on. There were always onlookers where gossip was to be had.

There were some singers who weren’t very famous or singers who were jealous that would post a sour word or two on Weibo, mocking Lisa.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t anyone tell me a newcomer was releasing their album today?” A girl with beautiful golden wavy hair and a delicate face was glaring at her agent with an angry expression. The terminal page on her wrist showed the comment section under the music charts. She had obviously seen the comments there.

“I…” The agent was embarrassed. In fact, he didn’t want the album to be released today, but this was the president’s request, so it couldn’t be helped. “This is what the president wanted.”

“He clearly knew a newcomer was releasing an album today, so why did he choose today?” Lisa’s good-looking eyebrows furrowed tightly. She didn’t even have to look to know what the content the fans in the comment section were fighting about.

Originally, releasing an album was a good thing, but the mood soured because of this.

“Actually, it’s nothing. There are a lot of unwritten rules in the music industry, but they’re unwritten. It’s not a hard and fast rule. You just need to make the major lists,” the agent comforted. Although there was suspicion that she was bullying a newcomer, the album was already put out and it couldn’t be taken back.

Lisa still felt angry, but she couldn’t go to the president and vent. Although she was now an A-lister, she was still a nobody in Star Entertainment. She didn’t have the courage to reason with the president, so she could only bear the consequences of this incident.

Lisa simply turned off her terminal and didn’t pay attention to the music charts anymore. Those fans could say whatever they wanted.

“Look, in just five hours after the album was released, several of your songs have climbed to the top ten of the charts. The results will definitely be better in the future.” The agent was still playing attention to the music charts. He was quite satisfied with the results. After all, they had spent a lot of effort preparing for this album. As for the little newcomer who had released an album today, they could only apologize in their hearts.

“How’s it going?” Chen Hongliang asked the relevant staff.

The data for the music charts were pulled from the previous hour. If they wanted to see real-time data, they could only obtain it if they had staff in the company that was in charge of this area of expertise.

“The list isn’t ideal.” The staff in charge of this section shook his head. His expression was a bit sad.

In fact, according to Xia Yuan’s identity as the champion of ‘Interstellar New Singer’, as well as the hype from the debut press conference, the release data for his first album shouldn’t have been too bad. But it was severely suppressed because Lisa’s album had also been released on the same day.

Chen Hongliang’s brows furrowed slightly. He was very anxious.

Xia Yuan’s fans were also just as anxious. After losing to the fight with Lisa’s fans, they had spent more time promoting Xia Yuan’s songs and swiping the charts. They even pulled relatives and friends to download the song to promote it, but the results didn’t improve much.

“It’s really not good. If we have God Ye post on Weibo, then the number of downloads will definitely soar,” Chen Hongliang proposed. Of course, this was the last resort. After all, even if the numbers rose, everyone would know it was because of Ye Luohan’s influence, which wasn’t conducive to Xia Yuan’s development.

“Wait,” Yang Zekai said. He had confidence in Yuanyuan and himself.

“No, it’s fine.” Xia Yuan had been paying attention since the beginning, but he wasn’t in a rush at all. He was a newcomer, after all. It was normal that he couldn’t fight against a veteran singer.

However, he was also confident in Yang Zekai. This person had “rescued” countless outdated singers before. A single song of his had that much power, not to mention half his album this time had been written by him.

At this moment, in the president’s office of Star Entertainment, Zhou Shaodong looked at the data online and was in a good mood.

“Hmph. Jun Ling wants to fight with me? They’re still too inexperienced. It’s just a new company. There are more than one ways to deal with them. This is only just the beginning. I’ll definitely make you understand that you can just have one celebrity supporting your entire studio.”

“Right, they’ll definitely regret this,” Zhou Shaodong’s secretary kissed up to him and repeated.

However, when evening came, the data gave Zhou Shaodong a hard slap.

“President, it’s not good. Look at the music chart’s data,” a staff member said with an anxious expression.

“What’s wrong?” Zhou Shaodong was confused.

“The data of the music charts suddenly changes a lot. The number of downloads for Xia Yuan’s songs is gradually increasing, and the growth rate isn’t slow.”

When Zhou Shaodong heard this, he immediately opened his terminal and turned to the page of the music list. Sure enough, he saw the data of the music charts was constantly changing. The number of downloads of Xia Yuan’s album songs, which were originally suppressed, was constantly increasing. The rankings were changing as well.

“How can this be?” Zhou Shaodong looked at the data in disbelief.

“What’s going on? Brother Chen, did you tell God Ye about this matter?” Xia Yuan also discovered the change in the music charts. He watched his songs continue to climb the ranks. He couldn’t say what he felt.

“I didn’t tell him.” Chen Hongliang was also confused. He’d specifically checked Ye Luohan’s Weibo page, which had no news of Xia Yuan’s album. “God Ye didn’t post anything either.”

“So what’s going on? Could there be a problem in the music chart’s back end?”

This question left Xia Yuan’s mouth. Others didn’t know if they should laugh or cry when they heard it. If this had happened to someone else, they would have jumped up with excitement. Regardless of the reason, it was a happy thing to raise in the ranks.

However, Chen Hongliang and Xia Yuan couldn’t relax since there were sure to be many others who had the same question as them. If it really was a problem with the system, many people might think they were buying votes, and that would have a greater impact on Xia Yuan’s reputation.

“Don’t worry. I’ll call and ask.” Chen Hongliang walked out of the office with a solemn expression.

“Xiao Kai.” It was rare for Xia Yuan to sound so worried.

When he found out that his rank wasn’t good, he wasn’t worried. But now that his rank was good, he was a bit worried.” Don’t worry. There won’t be any problems. You have to believe in yourself.” Yang Zekai’s voice was deep and magnetic. It made people relieved just from hearing it.

“Right, you are the famous God Karry. If the songs written and composed by God Karry himself did not climb the music charts, then that would have been illogical,” Xia Yuan said. The unease in his heart disappeared. Even if he didn’t believe in himself, he had to believe in Xia Yuan’s ability.

Chen Hongliang came back quickly and said, “There’s no problem with the music chart. The data is real.”  “That’s great,” Xia Yuan said.

“Brother Chen, I think there are people who will doubt Yuanyuan’s achievements. I’m afraid we’ll have to continue watching the charts and be ready to make an announcement at any time,” Yang Zekai said.

“Mn. Don’t worry. I’ll watch it.”

Sure enough, Yang Zekai’s worries weren’t superfluous. But the growth of Xia Yuan’s album was too weird. The results were quite low during the day, and they suddenly rose at night, and it kept growing, so it made a lot of people have doubts. “What’s going on? How can the data change so quickly? The growth of these songs is too strange.”

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